Summer Reading 2024

Attention, Wolverine scholars! Want to prepare for English next year and start the year with extra credit? Join your peers and choose a book to read over the summer that will get you thinking about the themes you will discuss and study in class next year. Choose a book from the accompanying list and complete a creative project to show what you learned. For each project you create and submit to your English teacher, you will receive bonus points to start the year strong. Join the summer reading movement! Which adventure will you choose?

Williamsburg Charter High School

The Williamsburg Charter High School unites youth, families, staff, teachers and the community at large in providing young people with the tools necessary to make sense of the world, preparing them in their journey to become citizens of the local and global community. Young people will accomplish this through participation in a liberal arts education that includes language, literature, writing, science, history, mathematics, the visual and performing arts, technology and explorations in disciplines designed to teach justice, independent thinking, respect and compassion for themselves and others as well as the skills of critical thinking, communication, and research.

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