If you missed January 20’s Parent Town Hall with special guest Angela Soto from the New York City Department of Mental Health and Hygiene, please check out the recording below. Ms. Soto answered questions about COVID-19 testing and vaccines.
January 27, 2022
- The Affordable Care Program (ACP) was created to help households struggling to pay for internet service.
- All families approved to receive benefits under the free and reduced-price school lunch program or the school breakfast program, including through the USDA Community Eligibility Provision (CEP) in the 2019-2020, 2020-2021, or 2021-2022 school year are eligible for this program.
- ACP provides a monthly discount for broadband service of up to $30/month, or up to $75/month for households on qualifying Tribal lands.
- For more information and resources to share with families, please visit the FCC’s ACP Website. Materials are available in multiple languages.
January 10, 2022
Dear WCHS Community,
We are excited to welcome back faculty and students for in-person instruction starting Tuesday, January 18, 2022. In addition to our ongoing COVID-19 safety and prevention measures, we now have increased access to COVID-19 testing via increased random weekly randomized COVID-19 testing through Bioreference labs and access to at-home COVID-19 test kits. The procedures are explained below:
NYC DOE COVID-19 Student Weekly COVID-19 Screening Testing
- 20% of students whose parent/guardian submitted COVID-19 test consent forms will be tested weekly by NYC DOE partner laboratory on-site at school in the Nurse’s office.
- Please complete this form if you CONSENT for your child to be tested: https://forms.office.com/r/vdcs46m8b6.
At-Home COVID-19 Test Kits Protocol
WCHS has received an initial allotment of at-home rapid test kits from NYC DOE and is awaiting further test kit shipments and information from NYS. The NYC DOE test kits will be distributed with the DOHMH fact sheet as follows:
- To any student who is exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19.
- These individuals should be isolated, picked by parent/guardian or designated Emergency Contact, and take this test at home.
- To students identified as close contacts. Students who receive one can use the take-home tests to monitor for COVID.
- Students can remain in school during this time as long as they do not test positive, can wear their masks, and remain symptom-free. Those who have an at-home rapid test kit will need to take the test two times over the course of several days (each kit includes two tests).
- It is recommended that exposed individuals take one test that evening and one test on Day Five after exposure.
- If an exposed individual starts experiencing COVID symptoms before Day Five, they should stay home, isolate and use the second test.
- Students can remain in school during this time as long as they do not test positive, can wear their masks, and remain symptom-free. Those who have an at-home rapid test kit will need to take the test two times over the course of several days (each kit includes two tests).
- To any teacher/faculty showing symptoms while at work.
- Faculty/staff showing symptoms while at work will be sent home with an at-home COVID test kit.
Anyone who tests positive from an at-home rapid test should immediately report it to the school by contacting covidconcerns@thewcs.org and begin isolating per current DOHMH guidance, as applicable. Additional directions on how to submit proof of your at-home test result(s) will be forthcoming. Students who are required to quarantine or test positive for COVID-19 are still responsible for their classwork. All classwork will be posted in Canvas. In the event that the student is ill, families should continue to follow the regular protocol of contacting the Attendance Office at awitkowski@thewcs.org.
To keep our school community safe upon everyone’s return to the school building, we strongly encourage everyone to get tested for COVID-19, through a PCR, lab-based rapid test, or a home test kit, before returning to school on Tuesday, January 18, 2022 regardless of vaccination status. For a list of testing sites, including sites with at-home rapid tests, call 212- COVID19, visit http://nyc.gov/covidtest, or text “COVID TEST” to 855-48, or call 311 to find a nearby testing site. The Department of Health and Mental Hygiene (DOHMH) continues to open new testing sites, so please check back often for updates.
We also encourage everyone eligible for a COVID-19 vaccine or a booster to visit https://vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/ to find a convenient location and see these tips from nyc.gov. We look forward to a safe and healthy return to the school building.
Jahi Bashir
Head of School
Valerie Jacobson
Head of Operations
10 de enero de 2022
Estimada Comunidad de la WCHS,
Estamos emocionados de dar la bienvenida nuevamente a profesores y estudiantes para recibir instrucción en persona a partir del martes 18 de enero de 2022. Además de nuestras medidas continuas de seguridad y prevención de COVID-19, ahora tenemos un mayor acceso a las pruebas de COVID-19 a través de un aumento de las pruebas de COVID-19 aleatorias semanales a través de los laboratorios de Bioreference y acceso a kits de prueba de COVID-19 en el hogar. Los procedimientos se explican a continuación:
Prueba de detección semanal de COVID-19 para estudiantes del NYC DOE
- El 20 % de los estudiantes cuyos padres/tutores presentaron formularios de consentimiento para la prueba de COVID-19 serán examinados semanalmente por el laboratorio asociado con el Departamento de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York en la oficina de la enfermera de la escuela.
- Complete este formulario si usted CONSIENTE para que su hijo sea evaluado: https://forms.office.com/r/vdcs46m8b6.
Protocolo de kits de prueba de COVID-19 en el hogar
WCHS recibió una asignación inicial de kits de prueba rápida para el hogar del NYC DOE y está esperando más envíos de kits de prueba e información del Estado de Nueva York. Los kits de prueba del NYC DOE se distribuirán con la hoja informativa del DOHMH de la siguiente manera:
- A cualquier estudiante que presente síntomas de COVID-19.
- Estas personas deben ser aisladas, elegidas por el padre/tutor o el contacto de emergencia designado, y tomar esta prueba en casa.
- A estudiantes no vacunados identificados como contactos cercanos. Los estudiantes que reciben uno pueden usar las pruebas para llevar a casa para monitorear COVID.
- Los estudiantes pueden permanecer en la escuela durante este tiempo siempre que no den positivo, puedan usar sus máscaras y no presenten síntomas. Quienes tengan un kit de prueba rápida en el hogar deberán realizar la prueba dos veces en el transcurso de varios días (cada kit incluye dos pruebas).
- Se recomienda que las personas expuestas realicen una prueba esa noche y una prueba el Día Cinco después de la exposición.
- Si una persona expuesta comienza a experimentar síntomas de COVID antes del Día Cinco, debe quedarse en casa, aislarse y usar la segunda prueba.
- Los estudiantes pueden permanecer en la escuela durante este tiempo siempre que no den positivo, puedan usar sus máscaras y no presenten síntomas. Quienes tengan un kit de prueba rápida en el hogar deberán realizar la prueba dos veces en el transcurso de varios días (cada kit incluye dos pruebas).
- A cualquier maestro/facultad que muestre síntomas en el trabajo.
- Maestros/personal que muestren síntomas mientras están en el trabajo serán enviados a casa con un kit de prueba de COVID en el hogar.
Cualquier persona que dé positivo en una prueba rápida en el hogar debe informar de inmediato a la escuela comunicándose con covidconcerns@thewcs.org y comenzar a aislarse según la guía actual del DOHMH, según corresponda. Próximamente recibirá instrucciones adicionales sobre cómo enviar prueba de los resultados de su prueba en el hogar. Los estudiantes que deben ponerse en cuarentena o dar positivo por COVID-19 siguen siendo responsables de su trabajo en clase. Todo el trabajo de clase se publicará en Canvas. En caso de que el estudiante esté enfermo, las familias deben continuar siguiendo el protocolo regular de comunicarse con la Oficina de Asistencia a awitkowski@thewcs.org.
Para mantener segura a nuestra comunidad escolar cuando todos regresen al edificio escolar, recomendamos a todos a hacerse la prueba de COVID-19, a través de una PCR, una prueba rápida de laboratorio o un kit de prueba en el hogar, antes de regresar a la escuela el martes 18 de enero de 2022, independientemente del estado de vacunación. Para obtener una lista de los sitios de prueba, incluidos los sitios con pruebas rápidas en el hogar, llame al 212-COVID19, visite http://nyc.gov/covidtest, envíe un mensaje de texto con la palabra “COVID TEST” al 855-48 o llame al 311 para encontrar un centro cercano. El Departamento de Salud y Salud Mental (DOHMH) continúa abriendo nuevos sitios de prueba, así que vuelva a consultar con frecuencia para obtener actualizaciones.
También alentamos a todos los elegibles para una vacuna contra el COVID-19 o un refuerzo a visitar https://vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/ para encontrar una ubicación conveniente y ver estos consejos de nyc.gov. Esperamos un regreso seguro y saludable al edificio escolar.
Jahi Bashir
Director Escolar
Valerie Jacobson
Directora de Operaciones
January 7, 2022
Parent Information Meeting / Reunión Informativa para Padres – 1/6/2022
November 24, 2021
P-EBT Update
The Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA) has communicated the following timeline for the distribution of P-EBT benefits:
- Families that receive SNAP should be beginning to see benefits
- Families who received and successfully redeemed 2019-2020 P-EBT benefits will see their funds loaded on their existing cards in the next few weeks, if they have not yet already
- Any family requiring a newly issued P-EBT card (they are newly eligible or they did not redeem 2019-2020 benefits) should start to see their cards sent out in early/mid-December
Additional Resources:
If your child(ren) is eligible and has not received P-EBT benefit by mid–December 2021, you may fill out the P-EBT Information Form.
If your child(ren) is newly enrolled and/or you believe they qualify for free or reduced-price school meals, please submit a lunch form: myschoolapps.com
If you have misplaced a P-EBT Food Benefit card issued to your child(ren), you may order a replacement card by calling (888) 328-6399. If your child(ren) received P-EBT benefits on a Medicaid card and you need to order a replacement NYS Medicaid card or select a PIN, go here for more information:
Accessing P-EBT Food Benefits for the 2020-2021 School Year on a NYS Medicaid Card
Once you have set up a PIN to access your P-EBT food benefits, you can check your family’s P-EBT food benefits balance by visiting www.connectebt.com or by calling (888) 328-6399.
- Las familias que reciben SNAP deberían comenzar a ver los beneficios
- Las familias que recibieron y canjearon con éxito los beneficios P-EBT 2019-2020 verán sus fondos cargados en sus tarjetas existentes en las próximas semanas, si aún no lo han hecho
- Cualquier familia que requiera una tarjeta P-EBT recientemente emitida (son elegibles recientemente o no canjearon los beneficios de 2019-2020) deberían comenzar a ver que sus tarjetas se envían a principio/mediado de diciembre
Si su(s) hijo(s) es elegible y no ha recibido el beneficio P-EBT para mediados de diciembre de 2021, puede completar el Formulario de información P-EBT
October 12, 2021
Student COVID Testing
Beginning Friday, October 15 WCHS will be implementing voluntary COVID-19 testing provided by the NYCDOE. WCHS will be testing up to 10% of unvaccinated students who have submitted consent for testing weekly. This way, if there is a positive case, action can be taken right away to protect the school community. Students who are fully vaccinated are not required to be tested.
IMPORTANT: Please complete the following form stating whether or not your child is vaccinated and whether or not you consent for your child to be tested for COVID-19. We need all of our parents to complete this form. This will help with not only COVID-19 testing, but with COVID-19 contact tracing efforts in the school.
If you have any questions or do not have access to this form, please contact covidconcerns@thewcs.org.
Visitor Mandatory Vaccination
On September 15, 2021, the NYC Department of Mental Health and Hygiene (NYC DOHMH) issued a mandate stating that all visitors to NYC school buildings must show prior to entering the building that they have:
- Been fully vaccinated; or
- Received a single dose vaccine, or the second dose of a two-dose vaccine, even if two weeks have not passed since they received the dose; or
- Received the first dose of a two-dose vaccine.
This means that WCHS is required by the NYC DOHMH to ask for proof of vaccination from all guests who want to enter the building.
At this time, all WCHS employees in the building have at least one dose of the vaccine.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact covidconcerns@thewcs.org. For information about the COVID-19 vaccine, please visit vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/.
Prueba de COVID para Estudiantes
A partir del viernes 15 de octubre, WCHS implementará pruebas voluntarias de COVID-19 proporcionadas por NYCDOE. WCHS evaluará hasta el 10% de los estudiantes no vacunados que hayan presentado su consentimiento para la prueba semanalmente. De esta manera, si hay un caso positivo, se pueden tomar medidas de inmediato para proteger a la comunidad escolar. No se requiere que los estudiantes que estén completamente vacunados se realicen la prueba.
IMPORTANTE: Complete el siguiente formulario indicando si su hijo está vacunado o no y si usted da su consentimiento para que se le haga la prueba de COVID-19 a su hijo. Necesitamos que todos nuestros padres completen este formulario. Esto ayudará no solo con las pruebas de COVID-19, sino también con los esfuerzos de rastreo de contactos de COVID-19 en la escuela.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o no tiene acceso a este formulario, comuníquese con covidconcerns@thewcs.org.
Vacunación Obligatoria de Visitantes
El 15 de septiembre de 2021, the El Departamento de Salud Mental e Higiene de la Ciudad de Nueva York (NYC DOHMH) emitió un mandato declarando que todos los visitantes a los edificios escolares de la ciudad de Nueva York deben mostrar antes de entrar al edificio que:
- Han sido completamente vacunado; o
- Recibieron una vacuna de dosis única, o la segunda dosis de una vacuna de dos dosis, incluso si no han pasado dos semanas desde que recibieron la dosis; o
- Recibieron la primera dosis de una vacuna de dos dosis.
Esto significa que el NYC DOHMH requiere que WCHS solicite un comprobante de vacunación a todos los visitantes que deseen ingresar al edificio.
En este momento, todos los empleados de WCHS en el edificio tienen al menos una dosis de la vacuna.
Si tiene alguna pregunta o inquietud, comuníquese con covidconcerns@thewcs.org. Para obtener información sobre la vacuna COVID-19, visite vaccinefinder.nyc.gov/.
October 8, 2021
Apply for Emergency Broadband Benefits
Most families with a student enrolled in a NYC charter school are eligible for this benefit. Families can confirm their eligibility, apply for the program, and find participating broadband providers via the USAC website. There are two types of benefits available to eligible households:
- Monthly Benefit: A discount of up to $50/month for broadband service, equipment, and device rentals; or
- One-time Device Discount: A one-time discount of up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of $10-$50), where available.
Families can visit the FCC’s EBB webpage and view this FAQ to learn more about the EBB program. Translated materials are available via the following links:
Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, Burmese, Chinese, French, Haitian, Creole, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
For questions and support, schools and families should email EBBHelp@usac.org or call (833) 511-0311.
September 23, 2021
P-EBT Update
New York State is providing Pandemic EBT (P-EBT) food benefits to all households with children who are eligible to receive free school lunch under the National School Lunch Act and whose school was closed or operating with reduced in-school attendance due to COVID-19 during the 2020-2021 academic year.
Issuance of the food benefit will continue for several months, due to the large number of eligible children and schools participating in the National School Lunch Program across the state.
If your child(ren) is eligible and has not received P-EBT benefit by November 2021, you may fill out the P-EBT Information Form.
If your child(ren) is newly enrolled in their school and/or you believe they qualify for free or reduced-price school meals, contact your child’s school to ask about the program requirements.
If you have misplaced a P-EBT Food Benefit card issued to your child(ren), you may order a replacement card by calling 1-888-328-6399. If your child(ren) received P-EBT benefits on a Medicaid card and you need to order a replacement NYS Medicaid card or select a PIN, go to otda.ny.gov/SNAP-COVID-19/P-EBT-Medicaid-Card-PIN-Instructions.asp for more information.
Once you have set up a PIN to access your P-EBT food benefits, you can check your family’s P-EBT food benefits balance by visiting www.connectebt.com or by calling 1-888-328-6399. For additional information visit NYSOTDA P-EBT Benefits Information Page.
September 20, 2021
CSAA and PSAL Sports / Deportes CSAA y PSAL
August 13, 2021
We hosted a town hall on August 12 about school reopening. The video is below in case you missed it: https://youtu.be/sckAP1X4WXQ.
July 30, 2021
Get your first dose of the COVID-19 vaccine at a City-run vaccine site and earn a $100 prepaid debit card: vax4nyc.nyc.gov/
June 23, 2021
In-home COVID-19 vaccinations are now available to all New Yorkers ages 12 and older: nyc.gov/homevaccine or 877-829-4692.
June 3, 2021
Family Emergency Broadband Benefit
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched a short-term Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program, which will provide reduced cost broadband internet service for eligible New York City households during the COVID-19 pandemic. All families with a student enrolled in a DOE school or program are eligible for this benefit, and funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis until the program has exhausted available funds or six months after the US Department of Health and Human services declares an end to the COVID-19 health emergency.
Families can find out if they are eligible, apply for the program, and find participating broadband providers via the USAC website. There are two types of benefits available to eligible households:
- Monthly Benefit: a discount of up to $50/month for broadband service, equipment, and device rentals; or
- One-time Device Discount: up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of $10 – $50), where available.
Families can visit the FCC’s EBB webpage and view this FAQ to learn more about the EBB program. Translated materials are available via the following links:
Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, Burmese, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
If families have questions or require support with an application, they can email EBBHelp@usac.org or call (833) 511-0311.
May 26, 2021
New York launches vaccine scholarship raffle for children 12 to 17
Gov. Andrew Cuomo on Wednesday announced a public college scholarship raffle for newly eligible children who get their first dose of a Covid-19 vaccination by July 7.
Context: The raffle marks New York’s latest move to encourage more residents to get inoculated. Children aged 12-17 are eligible for the Pfizer vaccine.
Children who have already received their first dose are eligible for the raffle, Cuomo said.
Details: Ten four-year scholarships will be awarded every Wednesday through July 7, covering full tuition, room and board for dozens of students hoping to attend any of New York’s public colleges and universities. Families can register by going to ny.gov/vaccinescholarship.
Cuomo encouraged families to get eligible children vaccinated as soon as possible to improve their chances at winning the scholarship.
“The sooner you jump into the pool, the greater your chances, because you are in the pool for more raffles,” he said.
May 21, 2021
The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has launched a short-term Emergency Broadband Benefit (EBB) program, which will provide reduced cost broadband internet service for eligible New York City households during the COVID-19 pandemic. All families with a student enrolled in a DOE school or program are eligible for this benefit, and funds will be allocated on a first-come, first-serve basis until the program has exhausted available funds or six months after the US Department of Health and Human services declares an end to the COVID-19 health emergency.
Families can find out if they are eligible, apply for the program, and find participating broadband providers via the USAC website. There are two types of benefits available to eligible households:
Monthly Benefit: a discount of up to $50/month for broadband service, equipment, and device rentals; or One-time Device Discount: up to $100 for a laptop, tablet, or desktop computer (with a co-payment of $10 – $50), where available.
Families can visit the FCC’s EBB webpage and view this FAQ to learn more about the EBB program. Translated materials are available via the following links:
Spanish, Arabic, Amharic, Burmese, Chinese, French, Haitian Creole, Korean, Portuguese, Russian, Somali, Tagalog, and Vietnamese.
If families have questions or require support with an application, they can email EBBHelp@usac.org or call (833) 511-0311.
May 14, 2021
The COVID-19 vaccine from Pfizer is now available for New Yorkers ages 12 years and older: https://vax4nyc.nyc.gov/.
April 15, 2021
All New Yorkers ages 16 years and older can now receive the COVID-19 vaccine in NYC. Visit NYC.gov/vaccinefinder or https://am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov/ to make your appointment.
March 22, 2021
Spring/Trimester 3 Reopening Fact Sheet
Published March 19, 2021
On Tuesday, March 16, the Williamsburg Charter High School (“WCHS” or “School”) Board of Trustees voted to initiate a phased reopening plan of the School for Trimester 3, beginning on April 28.
Phase 1 will include optional in-person instruction on Wednesdays. If it is safe to do so, the school will initiate Phase 2 and Phase 3, which will add additional days of instruction incrementally. If it is not safe to do so, the school will remain in Phase 1.
Contextual Factors
- National studies confirm that remote learning is increasing the academic learning gap.
- The School has been predominantly remote for one year and WCHS wanted to provide additional support for all of our students, especially our students with special needs, English language learners, and at-risk students.
- The New York City Department of Education (NYCDOE) will be reopening high schools on March 22.
- Currently, there will be June Regents in core subjects.
- Academic leadership considered space, student performance and staffing.
- Academic leadership surveyed students, parents, and staff re: comfort returning to school for Trimester 3.
- Leadership, Board members, and School Counsel discussed survey data, updated COVID data and information, and various factors affecting our community including academic and social emotional wellbeing.
Phase 1 Reopening
- WCHS will reopen for optional in-person instruction on Wednesdays beginning April 28, 2021.
- Parents do not have to send their child to school.
- IMPORTANT: Parents can opt into or opt out of in-person instruction for their students via the Trimester 3 Selection Form that was sent out to families on March 17. Families have until March 26 to complete the form.
- Families that choose to opt into the in-person program will receive in-person instruction on Wednesdays and remote instruction on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday.
- Families that choose to continue remote learning will receive remote learning on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
- If you do not submit a Trimester 3 Selection Form, your child will automatically be enrolled in the Remote only program.
- The schedule for Trimester 3 will remain the same. The only difference is that some students will be receiving instruction in-person on Wednesdays.
Safety Precautions
- WCHS will continue to follow all safety protocols outlined in the WCHS COVID-19 Re-Entry and Operating Plan 2020-21 located on our website.
- WCHS will continue to use the EPA and CDC recommended MERV-13 air filters in all of our HVAC systems. Windows are able to be opened in all classrooms in use.
- WCHS will ensure that students are seated at a distance of six feet apart until we are provided different guidance from New York State. Based on varying classroom size, approximately 12-18 students may be in a standard classroom at any time. Social distancing markers will indicate where students are allowed to sit in order to maintain social distancing.
- WCHS will continue to screen students and staff using the Daily Screening Survey. Students and staff who respond “yes” to any question will not be allowed in the building.
- WCHS will require all students and staff to wear masks. While not mandatory at this time, students and staff will be encouraged to double mask. Masks will also be available on-site for staff or students who forget, lose, or damage their face covering.
- WCHS will continue to encourage students and staff to wash hands frequently. Students and staff will have access to multiple hand sanitizers around the building and in every classroom.
- WCHS will not allow any guests onto the site unless it is an emergency.
- WCHS is not mandating testing and does not currently have the resources to provide COVID testing on site; however, WCHS will continue to encourage all members of our community to get tested frequently. If COVID testing resources become available, WCHS would like to pursue this option.
Lunch and Meal Distribution
- On Wednesdays, in-person students will receive Grab ‘n Go breakfast (includes a bread such as cereal, a fruit, and milk) as they arrive during morning arrival from 7:55-8:45am. Students will also be able to pick up a Grab ‘n Go lunch (includes a main, such as sandwich, with a cold vegetable, milk and fruit) as they exit the building at dismissal from 11:45am-12:30pm. Menus will be posted on the OSFNS website.
- During Phase 2 and 3, in-person students will receive dedicated time to eat lunch in the classroom while seated 6 feet apart at their desks. Lunch will not be served in the cafeteria.
- Students who select Remote learning can pick up meals from designated DOE sites. The link for where to pick up take out meals during remote learning is below: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/food/school-meals.
- MetroCards will be provided for students receiving in-person instruction.
- Students learning remotely will NOT receive MetroCards.
- Students who receive in-person instruction will be required to wear their uniforms.
- Students will be permitted to wear additional layers of clothing in order to stay warm due to the windows being open in classrooms.
- If you are in need of a school device, please complete our technology request form. Laptop and/or wifi device pickup is available on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays from 9am-2pm when school is in session. Students should bring WCHS ID, wear proper face covering, stay 6 feet apart, take the Daily Symptom Screening and only come in if they answer “No” to all the questions.
Extracurricular Activities, Sports, and Field Trips
- WCHS extracurricular activities will continue to be remote during T3. WCHS will not be participating in in-person sports, clubs, or field trips at this time.
- While the PSAL and the CSAA will be hosting low risk sports, WCHS has opted not to participate in league play at this time and will be focusing on preparing our athletes and teams for the fall.
Questions and Concerns
- If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to covidconcerns@thewcs.org or your child’s Academy Leader.
Name | ||
9th Grade Academy Leader | Bao Nguyen | |
10th Grade Academy Leader | Adrian Caballero | |
11th Grade Academy Leader | Shalada Bailey Douglas | |
12th Grade Academy Leader | Shante Martin |
Hoja Informativa sobre la Reapertura de Primavera/Trimestre 3
Publicada 19 de marzo de 2021
El martes, 16 de marzo, la Junta Directiva de la escuela secundaria Williamsburg Charter (“WCHS” o “La Escuela”) votó para iniciar un plan de reapertura en fases en la Escuela para el Trimestre 3, comenzando el 28 de abril.
La primera fase incluye instrucción en persona opcional los miércoles. Si es seguro, la escuela iniciará Fase 2 y Fase 3, lo cual añade días de instrucción adicionales incrementalmente. Si no es seguro, la escuela permanecerá en Fase 1.
Factores Contextuales
- Estudios Nacionales confirman que el aprendizaje remoto está aumentando la brecha de aprendizaje académico.
- La Escuela ha sido predominantemente remota por un año y la WCHS quiere proporcionar apoyo adicional para todos nuestros estudiantes, especialmente nuestros estudiantes con necesidades especiales, los estudiantes aprendiendo el inglés, y los estudiantes en riesgo.
- El Departamento de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York (NYCDOE) abrirá las escuelas secundarias el 22 de marzo.
- Actualmente, habrá exámenes Regents en junio en materias básicas.
- El liderazgo académico consideró el espacio, el rendimiento estudiantil, y el personal.
- El liderazgo académico encuestó a los estudiantes, padres, y el personal sobre: comodidad al regresar a la escuela durante el tercer trimestre.
- El Liderazgo, la Junta Directiva, y el Consejo Escolar discutieron los datos de la encuesta, los datos e información actualizada de COVID, y varios factores que afectan nuestra comunidad incluyendo el bienestar académico y socioemocional.
Reapertura de Fase 1
- La WCHS reabrirá para instrucción en persona opcional los miércoles comenzando el 28 de abril de 2021.
- Los padres no tienen que mandar a sus hijos a la escuela.
- IMPORTANTE: Los padres pueden optar por participar o no recibir instrucción en persona para sus estudiantes a través del formulario Trimester 3 Selection Form que se envió a las familias el 17 de marzo. Las familias tienen hasta el 26 de marzo para completar el formulario..
- Las familias que optan al programa en persona recibirán instrucción en persona los miércoles e instrucción remota los lunes, martes, jueves, y viernes.
- Las familias que eligen continuar instrucción remota recibirán instrucción remota lunes, martes, miércoles, jueves, y viernes.
- Si no completa el formulario Trimester 3 Selection Form, su hijo automáticamente será inscrito en el programa solamente remota.
- El horario para Trimestre 3 permanecerá igual. La única diferencia es que algunos estudiantes recibirán instrucción en persona los miércoles.
Precauciones de Seguridad
- La WCHS continuará siguiendo todos los protocolos de seguridad descritos en WCHS COVID-19 Re-Entry and Operating Plan 2020-21 que se encuentra en nuestra página web.
- La WCHS continuará usando los filtros de aire MERV-13 recomendados por el EPA y la CDC en todos nuestros sistemas de HVAC. Las ventanas se pueden abrir en todas los salones de clase que están en uso.
- La WCHS asegurará que los estudiantes están sentados con una distancia de seis pies hasta que se nos proporcione una orientación diferente del estado de Nueva York. Según el tamaño variable del aula, aproximadamente de 12-18 estudiantes pueden estar en un aula estándar en cualquier momento. Marcadores de distanciamiento social indican donde se pueden sentar los estudiantes para mantener el distanciamiento social.
- La WCHS continuará evaluando students y staff usando la Encuesta de Evaluación Diaria. Los estudiantes y el personal que responden “sí” a cualquier pregunta no serán permitidos entrar al edificio.
- La WCHS requerirá que todos los estudiantes y el personal usen máscaras. Si bien no es obligatorio en este momento, se alentará a los estudiantes y al personal a usar la máscara doble. También habrá máscaras disponibles en la escuela para el personal o estudiantes que olviden, pierdan, o dañen su cubierta facial.
- La WCHS continuará alentando a los estudiantes y el personal a lavar sus manos con frecuencia. Los estudiantes y el personal tendrán acceso a múltiples desinfectantes para manos en todo el edificio y en cada salón de clase.
- La WCHS no permitirá que ningún invitado ingrese al edificio a menos que sea una emergencia.
- La WCHS no exige pruebas y actualmente no tiene los recursos para proporcionar pruebas de COVID en el edificio; sin embargo, la WCHS continuará animando a todos los miembros de nuestra comunidad a hacerse la prueba con frecuencia. Si los recursos de la prueba de COVID están disponibles, la WCHS desea seguir esta opción.
Distribución de Almuerzo y Alimentos
- Los miércoles, los estudiantes en persona recibirán un desayuno para llevar (incluye pan/cereal, fruta, y leche) cuando lleguen en la mañana de 7:55-8:45am. Los estudiantes también recibirán almuerzo para llevar (incluye un plato principal como un sándwich, una verdura fría, leche, y fruta) al salir del edificio de 11:45am-12:30pm. Se publicarán los menús en la página web OSFNS website.
- Durante la Fase 2 y 3, los estudiantes en persona recibirán tiempo dedicado para almorzar en el salón de clases mientras estén sentados a seis pies de distancia en sus escritorios. El almuerzo no se servirá en la cafetería.
- Los estudiantes que eligen la instrucción remota pueden recoger alimentos para llevar en los lugares designados por el DOE. En enlace para saber donde recoger comida para llevar durante el aprendizaje remoto se encuentra a continuación: https://www.schools.nyc.gov/school-life/food/school-meals.
- Se proporcionarán MetroCards a los estudiantes que reciban instrucción en persona.
- Los estudiantes que reciben instrucción remota NO recibirán MetroCards.
- Los estudiantes que reciben instrucción en persona deberán usar sus uniformes.
- A los estudiantes se les permitirá usar capas adicionales de ropa para mantenerse cómodos debido a que las ventanas están abiertas en los salones de clase.
- Si necesitas un dispositivo escolar, por favor complete nuestro formulario technology request form. La distribución de computadoras y puntos de acceso al internet son los martes, miércoles y jueves de 9am-2pm cuando la escuela está en sesión. Los estudiantes deben tener su identificación de la WCHS, llevar puesto un cubierto facial apropiado, mantener distancia de seis pies, y llenar la encuesta de Evaluación Diaria y venir solamente si contestan “No” a todas las preguntas.
Actividades Extracurriculares, Deportes, y Paseos Escolares
- Las actividades extracurriculares de la WCHS continuarán siendo remotas durante el tercer trimestre. La WCHS no participará en deportes, clubes, o paseos escolares en persona por el momento.
- Aunque el PSAL y el CSAA tendrán deportes de bajo riesgo, la WCHS ha optado por no participar en las ligas por el momento y se concentrará en preparar a los atletas y equipos para el otoño.
Preguntas y Preocupaciones
- Si tiene preguntas o preocupaciones, por favor comuníquese con covidconcerns@thewcs.org o el Líder Académico de su hijo.
Nombre | Correo Electrónico | |
Líder Académico Grado 9 | Bao Nguyen | |
Líder Académico Grado 10 | Adrian Caballero | |
Líder Académico Grado 11 | Shalada Bailey Douglas | |
Líder Académico Grado 12 | Shante Martin |
February 22, 2021
We are working on a Vaccine Information page: http://gregw88.sg-host.com/vaccine-information/. We will continue to post updates here.
Two mass vaccination sites will open at Medgar Evers College and York College this week. Eligible New Yorkers in the following zip codes may be vaccinated at this site: 11206, 11221, 11216, 11238, 11225, 11213, 11233, 11207, 11208, 11236, 11212, 11203, 11226, 11210. Book here: Book Here: https://am-i-eligible.covid19vaccine.health.ny.gov.
Read more here: https://patch.com/new-york/bushwick/s/hfr4y/heres-who-can-get-vaccinated-at-medgar-evers-colleges-mass-site.
December 23, 2020
Please note the following changes to NYC DOE student and community food pick-up service during the winter holiday break:
- There will be no food service available on December 25th (Christmas Day) and January 1st (New Year’s Day)
- There will be food service available on December 24th and December 28th-31st (Including New Year’s Eve) from 12:00 pm to 3:00 pm only
- The menu served 12/23 and 12/24 will be roasted chicken served with honey sweet potatoes, garlic toast, apple crisp, cookie treat, and milk
- The menu served 12/29-12/31 will be roasted turkey served with mashed potatoes, broccoli, corn muffin, apple slices, and milk
The following have not changed:
- No registration, ID, or documentation required
- No dining space is available, so meals must be eaten off premises
- Parents and guardians may pick up meals for their children
- Use this link to find the closest food site
- No habrá servicio de comida disponible el 25 de diciembre (Navidad) y el 1ro de enero (Año Nuevo)
- Habrá servicio de comida disponible el 24 de diciembre y del 28-31 de diciembre (incluyendo Año Viejo) de 12pm-3pm solamente
- El menú para el 23 y 24 de diciembre será pollo asado con batatas con miel, pan con ajo, tarta de manzana, galletas, y leche
- El menú para el 29-31 de diciembre será pavo asado con puré de papas, brócoli, muffin de maíz, rodajas de manzana, y leche
- No se requiere registración, identificación, o documentación
- No hay lugar donde sentarse a comer, se lo tiene que llevar
- Los padres y tutores pueden recoger los alimentos para sus hijos
- Use este enlace para encontrar el lugar más cercano a usted
November 18, 2020
Dear WCHS Students and Families,
As of this morning, New York City reached a seven day rolling average of 3% COVID-19 test positivity citywide, and, as a result, the DOE will temporarily close down all public school buildings, effective Thursday, November 19.
As a public charter high school located in a private space, WCHS is not obligated to follow the actions of the NYC DOE; however, we will be following NYC DOE’s decision out of an abundance of caution. WCHS will transition to fully remote learning beginning November 19 until further notice. We were previously slated to transition to fully remote learning following the Thanksgiving holiday on November 30.
Access to Food
All families and students can continue to go to any DOE school building between 9:00 a.m. and noon on weekdays to pick up three free grab-and-go meals. No identification or registration is necessary. Halal and kosher meals are available at some sites, which are listed at schools.nyc.gov/freemeals.
Access to Technology
If your child still needs to borrow a school laptop or wifi device, please complete the Digital Equity Survey/Technology Request Form. If you have already completed, we have your information.
The Technology Department will then contact you when your device is ready for pick up. If you have requested a device, but have not yet heard back from the Technology Department, please email dmedina@thewcs.org or call 718-782-9830 and leave a message.
Technology Pick-Up is Monday-Friday from 12-3pm on days when remote classes are scheduled. Please make sure your child brings their WCHS ID, wears a face covering, and stays 6 feet apart at all times. Your child must also fill out the Daily Screening Form prior to coming to the school to pick up the items. If your child feels sick or answers “Yes” to any of the questions, they must stay home, and we can mail the device to you. An adult signature and verified address will be required for delivery.
Our priority is to ensure the safety of our students and staff, and minimize stress on families while continuing to provide students with quality learning experiences. Students will continue to be given the time and support they need to complete coursework and earn credit. Teachers’ flexible grading policy, along with our incomplete policy, will help support student success while ensuring students meet the academic requirements and learning goals for their courses. High school seniors will receive additional support to ensure they remain on track for graduation.
Should you have questions, please contact your child’s grade level Academy Leader. Academy Leader information is listed below along with our Special Education Coordinator’s contact information:
Grade 9 Academy Leader | Bao Nguyen |
Grade 10 Academy Leader | Adrian Caballero |
Grade 11 Academy Leader | Shalanda Bailey-Douglas |
Grade 12 Academy Leader | Shante Martin |
Special Education Coordinator | Melissa Wade |
We encourage all New Yorkers to continue to follow social distancing guidelines, stay 6 feet apart, wear a face covering, wash your hands frequently, stay home if you are sick or exposed to someone with COVID-19, and get tested by visiting: nyc.gov/covidtest .
Thank you and be safe,
Jahi Bashir, Acting Interim Head of School
Valerie Jacobson, Head of Operations
18 de noviembre de 2020
Estimados estudiantes y familias de WCHS:
A partir de esta mañana, la ciudad de Nueva York alcanzó un promedio de 3% de positividad en siete días de la prueba COVID-19 en toda la ciudad y, como resultado, el DOE cerrará temporalmente todos los edificios de las escuelas públicas a partir del jueves 19 de noviembre.
Como escuela secundaria chárter pública ubicada en un espacio privado, WCHS no está obligada a seguir las acciones del NYC DOE; sin embargo, seguiremos la decisión del NYC DOE por precaución. WCHS pasará al aprendizaje completamente remoto a partir del 19 de noviembre hasta nuevo aviso. Anteriormente, estábamos programados para la transición al aprendizaje completamente remoto después de las vacaciones de Acción de Gracias el 30 de noviembre.
Acceso a alimentos
Todas las familias y estudiantes pueden continuar yendo a cualquier edificio escolar del DOE entre las 9:00 a.m. y el mediodía de lunes a viernes para recoger tres comidas para llevar gratis. No es necesaria identificación ni registro. Las comidas halal y kosher están disponibles en algunos sitios, que se enumeran en schools.nyc.gov/freemeals.
Acceso a la tecnología
Si su hijo aún necesita pedir prestada una computadora portátil o un dispositivo wifi de la escuela, complete la Encuesta de equidad digital / Formulario de solicitud de tecnología. Si ya lo ha completado, tenemos su información.
El Departamento de Tecnología se comunicará con usted cuando su dispositivo esté listo para ser recogido. Si solicitó un dispositivo, pero aún no ha recibido respuesta del Departamento de Tecnología, envíe un correo electrónico a dmedina@thewcs.org o llame al 718-782-9830 y deje un mensaje.
La recogida de tecnología es de lunes a viernes de 12 a 3 pm los días en que se programan clases remotas. Asegúrese de que su hijo traiga su identificación de WCHS, use una cubierta facial y se mantenga a una distancia de 6 pies en todo momento. Su hijo también debe completar el Formulario de evaluación diaria antes de venir a la escuela a recoger los artículos. Si su hijo se siente enfermo o responde “Sí” a cualquiera de las preguntas, debe quedarse en casa y podemos enviarle el dispositivo por correo. Se requerirá una firma de un adulto y una dirección verificada para la entrega.
Nuestra prioridad es garantizar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal, y minimizar el estrés en las familias mientras continuamos brindando a los estudiantes experiencias de aprendizaje de calidad. Los estudiantes continuarán recibiendo el tiempo y el apoyo que necesitan para completar el trabajo del curso y obtener créditos. La política de calificaciones flexible de los maestros, junto con nuestra política incompleta, ayudarán a respaldar el éxito de los estudiantes mientras aseguran que los estudiantes cumplan con los requisitos académicos y los objetivos de aprendizaje de sus cursos. Los estudiantes del grado 12 recibirán apoyo adicional para garantizar que se mantengan encaminados hacia la graduación.
Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con el Líder de la Academia del nivel de grado de su hijo. La información del líder de la academia se enumera a continuación junto con la información de contacto de nuestra coordinadora de educación especial:
Líder Académico de Grado 9 | Bao Nguyen |
Líder Académico de Grado 10 | Adrian Caballero |
Líder Académico de Grado 11 | Shalanda Bailey-Douglas |
Líder Académico de Grado 12 | Shante Martin |
Coordinadora de Educación Especial | Melissa Wade |
Alentamos a todos los neoyorquinos a que sigan las pautas de distanciamiento social, se mantengan a 6 pies de distancia, se cubran la cara, se laven las manos con frecuencia, se queden en casa si están enfermos o expuestos a alguien con COVID-19 y se hagan la prueba en: nyc .gov/covidtest.
Gracias y manténgase seguro,
Jahi Bashir, Director Interino de la Escuela
Valerie Jacobson, Directora de Operaciones
November 13, 2020
Dear Parents/Guardians:
In an effort to keep our students, faculty, and staff safe as Covid-19 numbers continue to rise in New York City, particularly in the Brooklyn area, the board and administration has decided that the last day for student in-person instruction is November 25, 2020. All students and staff will be off November 26th and November 27th for Thanksgiving break. All students will resume instruction remotely November 30, 2020.
Beginning November 30, 2020, all students will learn remotely and participate in their classes digitally. We will continue to monitor Covid-19 infection rates as well as state and city mandates to make the appropriate decisions regarding resuming in-person student instruction.
Our priority is to ensure the safety of our students and staff, and minimize stress on families while continuing to provide students with quality learning experiences. Students will continue to be given the time and support they need to complete coursework and earn credit. Teachers’ flexible grading policy, along with our incomplete policy, will help support student success while ensuring students meet the academic requirements and learning goals for their courses. High school seniors will receive additional support to ensure they remain on track for graduation.
Should you have questions, please contact your child’s grade level Academy Leader. Academy Leader information is listed below along with our Special Education Coordinator’s contact information:
Grade 9 Academy Leader | Bao Nguyen |
Grade 10 Academy Leader | Adrian Caballero |
Grade 11 Academy Leader | Shalanda Bailey-Douglas |
Grade 12 Academy Leader | Shante Martin |
Special Education Coordinator | Melissa Wade |
Jahi Bashir
Acting Interim Head of School
Estimados Padres y Tutores:
En un esfuerzo por mantener seguros a nuestros estudiantes, maestros, y personal a medida que los números de COVID-19 continúan aumentando en la ciudad de Nueva York, especialmente en el área de Brooklyn, la junta directiva y la administración han decidido que el ultimo dia de instrucción para los estudiantes en persona es el 25 de noviembre del 2020. Todos los estudiantes y el personal estarán libres el 26 y 27 de noviembre para el Dia de Accion de Gracias. Todos los estudiantes reanudarán la instrucción remota el 30 de noviembre del 2020.
Comenzando el 30 de noviembre del 2020, todos los estudiantes tendrán aprendizaje remoto y participarán en sus clases digitalmente. Continuaremos monitoreando las tasas de infección por COVID-19, así como los mandatos estatales y municipales para tomar las decisiones apropiadas con respecto a reanudar la instrucción estudiantil en persona.
Nuestra prioridad es asegurar la seguridad de nuestros estudiantes y personal, y minimizar el estrés en las familias mientras continuamos brindando a los estudiantes experiencias de aprendizaje de calidad. Los estudiantes continuarán recibiendo el tiempo y apoyo que necesitan para completar su trabajo y obtener crédito. La póliza flexible de calificaciones de los maestros junto con nuestra póliza de incompletos, ayudarán a apoyar a los estudiantes a satisfacer los requisitos académicos y metas de aprendizaje en sus cursos. Los estudiantes de cuarto año recibirán apoyo adicional para asegurar que se mantengan en curso para la graduación.
Si tiene preguntas, por favor contacte al Líder Académico de si hijo(a). La información de los Líderes Académicos se encuentra al siguiente junto con la información de la Coordinadora de Servicios Especiales:
Líder Académico de Grado 9 | Bao Nguyen |
Líder Académico de Grado 10 | Adrian Caballero |
Líder Académico de Grado 11 | Shalanda Bailey-Douglas |
Líder Académico de Grado 12 | Shante Martin |
Coordinadora de Educación Especial | Melissa Wade |
Jahi Bashir
Director Provisional
October 29, 2020
Families with eligible children should not expect to receive P-EBT food benefits for the 2020-21 school year until January 2021 at the earliest. Please continue to visit this website (https://otda.ny.gov/SNAP-COVID-19/) for updates on P-EBT food benefits for the 2020-21 school year.
Please be sure you fill out the 2020-21 Lunch Form here: www.myschoolapps.com.
October 8, 2020
October 7, 2020
Dear WCHS Families,
On October 6, Governor Cuomo announced the Cluster Action Initiative, a color coding system for identifying areas with high COVID positivity rates. Locations will be categorized either Red, Orange, or Yellow, based on proximity to the cluster. The severity of the problem will determine the response.
The initiative will divide clusters and the areas around them into three categories with successively higher restrictions within each one:
Williamsburg Charter High School has not been identified as being in any of Governor Cuomo’s cluster zones at this time; however, WCHS’ zip code, 11206, has been placed on Mayor DeBlasio’s Watchlist.
In the event that WCHS is placed in a cluster zone, parents will be notified via letter, autocall, social media, and it will be posted on the website on our COVID portal (www.thewcs.org/covid-19/). School closures will be announced via letter, autocall, social media and on the website.
The COVID portal will be updated daily to show WCHS’ color zone.
In the meantime, please continue to take your student’s temperature and keep them home if they are sick or respond “YES” to any of our Daily Screening Questions. We encourage all students and families to wash hands frequently, wear a face covering, stay 6 feet apart, and avoid large gatherings.
Information regarding free COVID testing is available here: www.nyc.gov/covidtest.
Please note, all families whose students are receiving in-person instruction may transfer to remote instruction using the Hybrid Learning Selection Change Form.
Jahi Bashir, Active Interim Head of School
Valerie Jacobson, Head of Operations
Estimadas familias de la WCHS,
El 6 de octubre, el Gobernador Cuomo anunció la Iniciativa Cluster Action, un sistema de codificación de colores para identificar áreas con altas tasas de positividad de COVID. Las ubicaciones se clasificarán en Rojo, Naranja, o Amarillo, según la proximidad al conglomerado. La severidad del problema determinará la respuesta.
La iniciativa dividirá los conglomerados y las áreas que los rodean en tres categorías con restricciones sucesivamente mayores dentro de cada uno:
Williamsburg Charter High School no ha sido identificado en ninguna de las zonas agrupadas del Gobernador Cuomo en este momento; sin embargo, el código postal de la WCHS, 11206, se ha incluido en la lista de vigilancia del Alcalde DeBlasio.
En caso de que la WCHS se coloque en una zona del conglomerado, los padres serán notificados por carta, llamada automática, redes sociales, y se publicará en el sitio web de nuestro portal COVID (www.thewcs.org/covid-19/). El cierre de las escuelas será anunciado por carta, llamada automática, redes sociales, y se publicará en el sitio web.
El portal de COVID será actualizado diariamente para demostrar la zona de color de la WCHS.
Mientras tanto, continúe tomando la temperatura de su hijo y manténgalo en casa si está enfermo o responda “SI” en la encuesta Daily Screening Questions. Alentamos a todos los estudiantes y familias a que se laven las manos con frecuencia, se cubran la cara, se mantengan a una distancia de seis pies y eviten las reuniones masivas.
Información sobre las pruebas de COVID gratuitas está disponible aquí: www.nyc.gov/covidtest.
Tenga en cuenta que todas las familias cuyos estudiantes reciben instrucción en persona pueden transferirse a instrucción remota utilizando la encuesta Hybrid Learning Selection Change Form.
Jahi Bashir, Director Interina Activo de la Escuela
Valerie Jacobson, Directora de Operaciones
September 8, 2020:
Updated Information on School Meals
Remote Students
Starting 9/8, students can pick up meals from designated DOE sites. The closest schools in proximity to WCHS that are open to the public are PS 196 (218 Bushwick Ave) and PS 120 (18 Beaver Street) where remote learners can access meals until the 14th.
In-Person Students
Starting 9/14, Grab ‘n Go breakfast (includes a bread such as cereal, a fruit, and milk) will be served to students as they arrive during the staggered morning arrival for in-person students. Students will also be able to pick up a Grab ‘n Go lunch (includes a main, such as a sandwich, with a cold vegetable, milk and fruit) as they exit the building at dismissal. Menus will be posted on the OSFNS website.
Arrival/Breakfast time slots range from 7:45-8:45am and Dismissal ranges from 11:45am-12:30pm. Please make sure to fill out the School Lunch Form for 2020-21 as well: https://www.myschoolapps.com/Home/PickDistrict.
September 7, 2020:
September 3, 2020:
Metrocard Pick-Up/Locker Clean-Out 9/8-9/11/20
Incoming freshmen will also be able to pick up ID cards (or take their photo), and pick up textbooks/materials. Grades 10-12 students who need to clean out their locker from last year, can also do so at the above time.
Please wear a face covering, bring your WCHS ID, stay 6 feet apart, and turn in your WCHS lock as you exit.
Please bring a bag for your items as bags will not be provided.
Your specific date/time has been emailed to you and your scholar.
Recogida de Metrocards y Limpieza de Armarios
Los estudiantes de primer año entrante también podrán recoger tarjetas de identificación (o tomar su foto) y recoger libros de texto / materiales.
Los estudiantes de los grados 10-12 que necesiten limpiar su armario del año pasado pueden hacerlo durante los horariosantes mencionados.
Por favor, use una cubierta facial, traiga su ID de la WCHS, manténgase a 6 pies de distancia, y entregue su candado de la WCHS al salir.
Por favor traiga una bolsa/mochila para sus artículos porque no tendremos bolsas disponibles.
Su fecha / hora específica se les ha enviado por correo electrónico a usted y a su estudiante.
In the coming days, more information will be posted on our re-entry plan page: www.thewcs.org/wchs-reopening.
July 2020
- COVID Rent Relief Program
- Summer Reading 2020
- Summer School Calendar
- Summer School Devices: Any student who needs to borrow a laptop who has not already signed one out should fill out the Technology Survey so that a laptop can be sent to you. / Artículos Electrónicos para Clases de Verano: Estudiantes quienes necesitan tomar prestado un laptop que todavía no ha firmado por uno deben llenar la encuesta Technology Survey para enviarle un laptop.
NYS Summer Food Program
The Summer Food Service Program was established to ensure that low-income children, 18 and younger, continue to receive nutritious meals when schools are not in session. USDA Food and Nutrition Service administers the Summer Food Service Program at the national level and the New York State Education Department administers it at the state level.
The majority of New York sponsors begin operating Summer Food Service Programs in July. There are a number of tools available to help find the site nearest you:
USDA Online Map
Text: Text “Food or “Comida” to 877-877
USDA National Hunger Hotline 1-866-3-HUNGRY or 1-877-3-HAMBRE
211 in New York State
311 in New York City
For more information on NYSED administration of the Summer Food Service Program, visit our website.
June 2020
- WCHS Regents Exemption Policy, Trimester Three Grading Policy, and Grading Flexibilities
- We will be hosting a virtual graduation on June 26, 2020.
- WCHS will honor Juneteenth. There will be no school on Friday, June 19, 2020.

April 20, 2020:
Laptops will be given out Weds., April 22nd between the hours of 8am – 1pm. Please make sure to have your school ID card with you. Stay safe, healthy and 6 feet apart!
Las computadoras portátiles se entregarán el 22 de abril de entre las 8am y 1pm. Por favor, asegúrese de tener su tarjeta de identificación de la escuela con usted.
April 16, 2020:
WCHS Staff, Parents and Students,
On April 16, Governor Cuomo extended New York on PAUSE. Earlier in the week the Board of Trustees motioned to make a resolution that Williamsburg Charter High School will close in accordance with the Governor’s directive. The school building will be closed to students and staff at least until May 15, 2020.
The Board will host its monthly open public meeting on April 28, 2020 and will formally approve school building closure and continuation of remote learning under Governor Cuomo’s Executive Order until May 15. We will continue to await guidance from Governor Cuomo and the New York State Board of Regents prior to making any decisions about the remainder of the school year. You are always welcome to attend our board meetings, visit our website for more information: http://gregw88.sg-host.com/our-story/board-of-trustees.
The safety of our community continues to be our foremost priority and we will continue to communicate all information as we are able. I know that this is an extremely difficult time, and I commend you for your strength throughout. I encourage you to continue taking care of yourselves and supporting each other. Please do not hesitate to reach out with any questions or concerns you have to covidconcerns@thewcs.org.
Thank you,
Lester Samson
Head of School
Personal de WCHS, padres y estudiantes,
El 16 de abril, el gobernador Cuomo extendió Nueva York en PAUSA. A principios de la semana, la Junta de Síndicos hizo una moción para hacer una resolución que Williamsburg Charter High School cerrará de acuerdo con la directiva del Gobernador. El edificio escolar estará cerrado para estudiantes y personal al menos hasta el 15 de mayo de 2020.
La Junta organizará su reunión pública abierta mensual el 28 de abril de 2020 y aprobará formalmente el cierre del edificio escolar y la continuación del aprendizaje remoto bajo la Orden Ejecutiva del Gobernador Cuomo hasta el 15 de mayo. Continuaremos esperando la orientación del Gobernador Cuomo y la Junta del Estado de Nueva York de regentes antes de tomar cualquier decisión sobre el resto del año escolar. Siempre puede asistir a nuestras reuniones de la junta, visite nuestro sitio web para obtener más información: http://gregw88.sg-host.com/our-story/board-of-trustees.
La seguridad de nuestra comunidad sigue siendo nuestra principal prioridad y continuaremos comunicando toda la información que podamos. Sé que este es un momento extremadamente difícil, y te felicito por tu fortaleza en todo momento. Los animo a que sigan cuidándose y apoyándose mutuamente. No dude en comunicarse con cualquier pregunta o inquietud que tenga a covidconcerns@thewcs.org.
Lester Samson
Jefe de escuela
April 8, 2020:
Reprieve – April 9-17, 2020
There will be a reprieve from the Remote learning plan starting this Thursday, April 9th through Friday, April 17th. Students will receive their reprieve assignment on April 8, 2020. It is uploaded into Advisory Google Classrooms.
If your student qualified for an incomplete for trimester 2, we suggest that they also focus on completing those assignments so they can recover that credit.
Staff will be available via email and are expected to respond between 2 and 3pm each day April 14-17th.
The regular remote learning plan will resume Monday April 20th and continue through Weds., April 29th.
Habrá un periodo de descanso del aprendizaje remoto comenzando este jueves, 9 de abril hasta el viernes, 17 de abril. Los estudiantes recibirán su asignación el 8 de abril para completar durante este tiempo. La asignacion se subira a la clase de advisory en google classroom.
Si su hijo calificó por un incompleto para el segundo trimestre, sugerimos que también se enfoquen en esas asignaciones para que puedan recuperar ese crédito.
El personal estará disponible por email y se espera que respondan durante las 2 y 3 de la tarde todos los días entre el 14 y 17 de abril.
El aprendizaje remoto continuará el lunes 20 de abril hasta el miércoles 29 de abril.
Junta Directiva
La Junta Directiva de la WCHS tendrá una reunión especial el martes, 14 de abril del 2020 a las 6pm por Google Hangouts.
Acompáñenos por https://meet.google.com/wbp-rwxs-xux o por teléfono al +1 858-324-6576 PIN: 190 226 750#.
La Junta hablará sobre las ordenes ejecutivas del Gobernador Cuomo conocidas como Nueva York on PAUSE relacionadas al cierre de los edificios escolares.
April 7, 2020:
April 2, 2020:
Parents and Families,
You may have heard that earlier this week Governor Cuomo cancelled spring break (April 9-17) across the State. For public New York City Department of Education schools, this means that “school” will be held daily through what was scheduled as spring break.
As an independent community charter high school, Williamsburg Charter High School has the independence and ability to decide on a schedule that best serves our students, staff and families.
We understand that this has been a very stressful time. Students and families have been asked to make many changes in how they live and learn. With all that said, we believe it is time for some rest and that some break is necessary for everyone to rejuvenate.
Therefore, the Board of Trustees, in partnership with WCHS Leadership, opted to create a continuity of learning plan for the period between April 9-17 that will allow for our students to continue to be engaged and for our staff to have some rest. Students will have a project to complete over the course of April 9-17 but can do so at their own pace.
We will be rolling out details about what it will look like over the next few days. If you have any questions, please contact covidconcerns@thewcs.org.
Thank you.
Padres y familias,
Es posible que haya escuchado que a principios de esta semana el gobernador Cuomo canceló las vacaciones de primavera (del 9 al 17 de abril) en todo el estado. Para las escuelas públicas del Departamento de Educación de la Ciudad de Nueva York, esto significa que la “escuela” se llevará a cabo diariamente durante lo que estaba programado como vacaciones de primavera.
Como escuela secundaria autónoma comunitaria independiente, Williamsburg Charter High School tiene la independencia y la capacidad de decidir el horario que mejor sirva a nuestros estudiantes, personal y familias.
Entendemos que este ha sido un momento muy estresante. Se les ha pedido a los estudiantes y sus familias que hagan muchos cambios en cómo viven y aprenden. Con todo lo dicho, creemos que es hora de descansar y que es necesario un descanso para que todos puedan rejuvenecerse.
Por lo tanto, la Junta de Fideicomisarios, en asociación con WCHS Leadership, optó por crear un plan de continuidad del aprendizaje para el período comprendido entre el 9 y el 17 de abril que permitirá a nuestros estudiantes continuar comprometidos y que nuestro personal descanse un poco. Los estudiantes tendrán un proyecto que completar en el transcurso del 9 al 17 de abril, pero pueden hacerlo a su propio ritmo.
Lanzaremos detalles sobre cómo se verá en los próximos días. Si tiene alguna pregunta, comuníquese con covidconcerns@thewcs.org.
Today is the last day to apply for our 2020-21 lottery: www.thewcs.org/apply.
Hoy es el último día para solicitar nuestra lotería 2020-21: www.thewcs.org/apply.
Laptops will be given out Friday, April 3rd between the hours of 8am – 1pm. Please make sure to have your school ID card with you. Stay safe, healthy and 6 feet apart! Please fill out the Tech Survey.
Las computadoras portátiles se entregarán el viernes, 3 de abril de entre las 8am y 1pm. Por favor, asegúrese de tener su tarjeta de identificación de la escuela con usted. ¡Manténgase seguro, saludable y a 6 pies de distancia! Por favor complete la encuesta técnica.
March 31, 2020:
Our enrollment lottery is still happening. It’s just going to look a little different this year.
If you are a parent or student interested in joining WCHS next year, please visit our application page today. We will be accepting applications through April 1.
Our lottery will happen virtually April 2 at 6pm. Please join us via this link: https://us04web.zoom.us/j/336769057 or by phone: +19294362866, meeting code: 336769057#. All participants will be muted upon entry.
Any student who applies after April 1 will be added to our waitlist.
March 22, 2020: Please note that the school building is not open daily for laptop distribution. Please complete our technology survey if you need a Chromebook.
The building will be open on Thursday, March 26, from 8am to 1pm for technology pickup.
Please do not travel in groups when picking up technology. We ask that you adhere to the six feet distance policy in and outside of the building so that we can protect ourselves and our community. Thank you.
We understand that this is a strange and stressful time. We are working to resolve any technology issue you may be having as quickly as we can. This is new for all of us, and we kindly ask that you be patient during this process. Thank you, stay safe, and (unless you are picking up technology), please stay home.
March 21, 2020: Parents, need help with Google Classroom? Click here.
March 20, 2020
WCHS Families,
We are excited to launch our remote learning program on Monday, March 23rd. Please see the below link and info.
Advisory Questions of the Day and Daily Assignments will be posted daily in Google Classroom at 8 a.m. Students will be expected to complete their Advisory Question of the Day between the hours of 8 a.m. and 1p.m. daily. If Students complete the Advisory Question of the Day, they will be marked present. If this is not completed, students will be marked absent.
Students will have until midnight to complete daily assignments from each of their classes. All teachers will be available daily during all teacher office hours.
Social Emotional Academy Leaders, Guidance Counselors, Student Life Associates, and Intervention and Family Support Counselors will also be available daily and will be reaching out to our students and families.
Our program is explained in more detail in the attached document, but please do not hesitate to contact us at our central email, covidconcerns@thewcs.org, with any questions or concerns.
Thank you,
Lester Samson
March 19, 2020
Free For WCHS Students: Grab and Go meals are available all from March 16-20 at the school from 7:30am-1:30pm. Starting Monday, March 23, the following schools will be open in District 14 for the public to pickup Grab and Go Breakfast and Lunch:
Gratis Para los Estudiantes de la WCHS: Habrá alimentos disponibles toda esta semana16 de marzo hasta 20 de marzo, entre 7:30am-1:30pm. Comenzando el lunes, 23 de marzo, las siguientes escuelas estarán abiertas en el distrito 14 para desayuno y almuerzo:
JHS – 50
PS – 84
PS – 196
PS – 250
JHS – 318
PS – 17
PS – 18
Brooklyn Arbor Public School
PS – 31
IS – 49
PS – 120
PS – 147
PS – 157
PS – 297
PS – 380
Automotive High School
March 17, 2020: Students who indicated the need to borrow a laptop on the Technology Survey should come sign one out during the hours of 8am-1pm on either Thursday, 3/19 or Friday, 3/20. Students must bring their WCHS ID.
Our nurse will be on site Tuesday, March 17, Wednesday, March 18, and Thursday March 19 and will be contacting all families of students who have medication administered during school to see if families would like to arrange pick up of any critical medications.
March 16, 2020: Grab and Go meals will be available for students this week at WCHS between 7:30am and 1:30pm.
We are preparing our distance learning model. Please complete this technology survey if you have not already: https://forms.gle/zaDvJ3xxbLmi7WEUA
March 15, 2020:
WCHS Parents and Students,
The Board of Trustees has motioned to make a resolution that Williamsburg Charter High School will be closed tomorrow, March 16, 2020 until April 19, 2020. We look forward to opening April 20, 2020. We will communicate more details surrounding our distance learning transition in days to come.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email covidconcerns@thewcs.org.
Thank you,
Lester Samson
March 15, 2020: The Board of Trustees will be hosting a special meeting via conference call at 7pm. Please feel free to call in here: +1 (786) 535-3211 Access Code: 584-191-277.
An official statement will follow.
March 14, 2020: School will be open on Monday, March 16, 2020. Athletic activities (games and field trips) are suspended. After school clubs will continue as scheduled.
Read more here:
Please email covidconcerns@thewcs.org with any questions or concerns you may have.
March 12, 2020: All CSAA playoff basketball games will be postponed until further notice.
March 11, 2020:
- Letter to WCHS Parents/Guardians
- Letter to WCHS Staff
- Additional Resources from the DOE
March 10, 2020: There are 0 confirmed or reported cases of COVID-19 (coronavirus) at WCHS. If you are hearing rumors and reports claiming otherwise, please note these are false. To clarify, Student Led Conferences, are canceled this Thursday (3/12) and Friday (3/13) as an extra precaution to deep clean our school. Call us with any questions.
March 9, 2020 Update: Together, the Board and the Administration has made a decision out of an abundance of caution in light of the issues surrounding COVID-19 to cancel Student Led Conferences on Thursday and Friday (March 12 and 13). The building will be closed on those days for deep cleaning as an extra precaution. Those days were already non-instructional days so we won’t have to make those days up.
Below is the WCHS COVID-19 Response Plan, which has been adopted by our Board of Trustees. This plan details our risk analysis evaluation tool as well as school response protocol for each risk level to the community: Low Risk (Level 1), Moderate Risk (Level 2), Medium Risk (Level 3), and High Risk (Level 4).
On Friday, March 6, 2020 WCHS was at Low Risk, Level 1; however, due to the increasing number of cases in New York City, the issuance of some travel advisories, and general increasing concern throughout the city, we have increased our risk level to Moderate Risk, Level 2.
Our contingency plan is in place. All regularly scheduled activities are allowed. However, field trips are suspended until further notice. And we have cancelled Student Led Conferences on March 12 and 13. There are no changes to the athletic program at this time.
We have increased our cleaning routine of the school throughout the day and at night, and we will be deep cleaning the school March 12-15. Even though there is no virus in our building, we have reviewed all of our cleaning products, and we have purchased cleaning products that disinfect and decontaminate the virus.
Further, we have begun preparations to engage in online learning if necessary (Level 4). Parents and guardians, please complete the attached technology survey as soon as possible. More information regarding online learning will follow as needed.
Community Guidance
Williamsburg Charter High School is following all available guidance relating to the recent outbreak of the COVID-19 “Coronavirus”.
We will be providing continuous updates via letters home, emails, phone calls, social media, and through the website.