Immigrant Resources

Dear WCHS Students, Families, and Staff,

In light of the recent presidential transition and discussions surrounding non-local law enforcement, including Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Williamsburg Charter High School (WCHS) Board of Trustees and School Leadership want to assure you that WCHS remains committed to protecting the rights of all our students, regardless of immigration status, in accordance with all local, state, and federal laws. 

Williamsburg Charter High School is consulting with our legal counsel and we have codified our internal protocols. We are in the process of developing a bank of resources. In the interim, WCHS has ordered “red cards” in multiple languages with guidance for students on how to respond to a non-local law enforcement. These will be distributed soon. 

Congresswoman Nydia Velazquez is hosting a Know Your Rights webinar tomorrow, February 1 from 10:30am-12pm via Zoom: No registration is required. The Parent Leadership Council will be partnering with ImmSchools to provide parent resources at the February PLC Meeting on February 27 at 6pm. Flyers and links will be sent separately.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to us, your child’s Academy Leader or any grade team member should you have any questions or need additional support. 

Thank you, Lourdes Rivera Putz, Board Chair Valerie Jacobson, Head of School

Williamsburg Charter High School

The Williamsburg Charter High School unites youth, families, staff, teachers and the community at large in providing young people with the tools necessary to make sense of the world, preparing them in their journey to become citizens of the local and global community. Young people will accomplish this through participation in a liberal arts education that includes language, literature, writing, science, history, mathematics, the visual and performing arts, technology and explorations in disciplines designed to teach justice, independent thinking, respect and compassion for themselves and others as well as the skills of critical thinking, communication, and research.

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